Defining yourself against corporate companies is hard enough for small businesses in a good economy and nearly impossible in a bad one. Yet despite the odds B-line Oil Company is heating up the competition by offering night, weekend, and emergency deliveries all for the same price; staying true to their motto, B-Line “Where it is About More Than Just Price”.
B-line is personally funded by owners Tim and Tami Belanger working three jobs between them while still operating their Oil business; yet they refuse to compromise their motto offering customers night, weekend, and emergency delivery services all at no extra charge for rock bottom prices; so why do they do it?
Owner Tami Belanger rides along side husband Tim on almost every delivery ensuring customers get what she calls “The Human Touch”. A concept she believes has been long lost with the emergence of corporate America where margins dictate service and the price your willing to pay makes you a priority. Tim and Tami opened B-line Oil three years ago after being left in the cold when they un-expectantly ran out of oil on a cold New England winter night. “We called dozens of places and NO one would deliver, after hours of calling we found a company that would come for a price.” Frustrated and feeling like there should have been a better option jack of all trades Tim Belanger started looking for a used oil truck.Tim being a man that does not give up found a truck and made the truck his own with a lot of work and sweat. At last the B-Line truck emerged and it has been hard work and their great pleasure to meet their customers and give them what they want and when they want.
Tami has been an active member of the community for years whether it is an Adult Instructor, Girl Scout Leader, Soccer Coach, working in the concession stand for the NOBLE football team she has always believed in her community and set an example for the children. She has been a teacher for sixteen years. Her husband has also been an active member in his community. Believing in the “Human Touch” has been their dream for years and now it is in full action.
New customers are amazed and happy to find this company and have stayed with B-Line and recommend many others. Tim and Tami are humbled by their customers.